Accident factories

Brazilian meatpacking workers report routine pain and accidents and unhealthy and unsafe working conditions
Boletim Monitor #16: Eyes closed to deforestation

How corruption, lax government policies and insufficient corporate traceability systems facilitate the flow of criminally produced livestock
Boletim Monitor #12: Cattle eating up the world’s largest rainforest

“Monitor’s twelfth issue, a bulletin that disseminates Repórter Brasil sector and supply chain studies, analyzes the connections between meat sold by large retailers in the United States, United Kingdom and European Union and the deforestation of Brazilian forests.”
Boletim Monitor #7: The Money that Feeds the Cattle

Monitor’s seventh issue, a bulletin that disseminates Repórter Brasil sector and production chain studies, analyzes the environmental impacts of livestock and the connections that link the sector to national and international investors.
Boletim Monitor #8: Slave labor in Brazil’s meat industry

The eighth issue of Monitor – a newsletter that publishes Repórter Brasil’s studies on supply chains – presents an investigation on the incidence of modern slavery in the meat industry