Boletim Monitor #14: The “green” fuel that drives deforestation
How the production of biodiesel with beef fat, despite being favoured by climate change mitigation policies, uses raw materials that contribute to the problem
Boletim Monitor #13: Mcdonald’s: The footprints of a giant
This issue of Monitor – a bulletin that presents Repórter Brasil’s sectorial and supply chain studies focuses on social and environmental problems linked to McDonald’s coffee, orange juice, beef and soy supplier network.
Boletim Monitor #12: Cattle eating up the world’s largest rainforest
“Monitor’s twelfth issue, a bulletin that disseminates Repórter Brasil sector and supply chain studies, analyzes the connections between meat sold by large retailers in the United States, United Kingdom and European Union and the deforestation of Brazilian forests.”
Boletim Monitor #11: The garment manufacturing hub in Pernambuco’s Agreste Zone
The 11th issue of Monitor, a bulletin featuring Repórter Brasil’s industry and supply chain studies, analyzes the fashion and garment industry in rural Pernambuco state and the working conditions in the industry
Boletim Monitor #10: Certified coffee, rightless workers 2
From farms to large retailers, Repórter Brasil shows the tortuous path linking coffee workers’ exploitation to global consumers
Boletim Monitor #9: Steak in the supermarket, forest on the ground
The ninth issue of Monitor – a newsletter that publishes Repórter Brasil’s studies on industries and production chains – reveals how supermarkets are involved with illegal deforestation
Boletim Monitor #7: The Money that Feeds the Cattle
Monitor’s seventh issue, a bulletin that disseminates Repórter Brasil sector and production chain studies, analyzes the environmental impacts of livestock and the connections that link the sector to national and international investors.
Boletim Monitor #8: Slave labor in Brazil’s meat industry
The eighth issue of Monitor – a newsletter that publishes Repórter Brasil’s studies on supply chains – presents an investigation on the incidence of modern slavery in the meat industry
Boletim Monitor #6: Slave labor in the brazilian cocoa
The sixth issue of Monitor – a newsletter that publishes Repórter Brasil’s studies on supply chains – assesses farmers and workers rights in the Brazilian cocoa industry
Boletim Monitor #5: Certified coffee, rightless workers
The fifth issue of Monitor – a newsletter that publishes Repórter Brasil’s studies on industries and production chains – reveals that even certified coffee farms still fail to guarantee workers’ rights.