Farmworker Protections and Labor Conditions in Brazil’s Coffee Sector
Analysis of the geographic distribution of coffee estates on the Dirty List suggests that modern slavery in the country’s coffee sector is not an anomaly confined to one or two specific places in Brazil.
Brewing up a sustainable coffee supply chain
Estudo financiado pela União Europeia analisa as condições de trabalho em fazendas de café no Brasil, Honduras e Índia cuja produção é exportada para a Finlândia. A pesquisa revela que mesmo fazendas certificadas apresentam irregularidades, como discriminação de gênero e falta de equipamentos de proteção individual.
Brazil, the new manufacturing hotspot for electronics?
In recent years, several electronics multinationals set up business in Brazil. It looked as if Brazil would become the next global manufacturing hub. In this paper Somo and Repórter Brasil aim to provide an overview of the current situation, both in terms of statistics and labour conditions, taking into account the situation in manufacturing hubs […]
Boletim Monitor #2: Brazil’s poultry industry
In this second edition of Monitor, a newsletter that periodically publishes Repórter Brasil’s studies on economy sectors and production chains, we look into the billion dollar poultry industry, which grinds the rights of farmers and workers throughout the country.
Boletim Monitor #1: Globalization and concentration in Brazil’s agri-food system
In this study, we resort to the CR4 and CR8 indexes, which are extensively used for such analyses. These indicator s measure the per centage of the market in the hands of the largest companies – CR4 for the largest four and CR8 for the largest eight.
From moral responsibility to legal liability?
Modern day slavery conditions in the global garment supply chain and the need to strengthen regulatory frameworks: The case of Inditex-Zara in Brazil.
Brazil of Biofuels – Animal Fat, Palm Oil, Cotton, Sunflower and Rapeseed 2009
This fifth Brazil of Biofuels report presents an unprecedented study on the use of animal fat to produce biodiesel, as well as special attention to two other crops that have not been deeply studied by us last year: sunflower and rapeseed. Case studies on the use of vegetal oils to generate electricity in isolated communities […]
Brazil of Biofuels – Soy and Castor Bean 2009
Over the process of making this report, we have been to Goiás – the Brazilian state where the most serious case of slave labour in soybean plantations was found in 2008 and where soybean farmers challenge environmental rules around the Emas National Park. In south-eastern Rondônia, we have seen the advancement of soybean over the […]
El Brasil de los Agrocombustibles – Palmáceas, Algodón, Maíz y Jatropha 2008
El lanzamiento de este informe sobre palma aceitera, babasú, algodón, maíz y jatropha, cultivos agrícolas usados o con potencial para la producción de biodiesel y etanol, marca una etapa más del trabajo de investigación de la ONG Repórter Brasil. Como en el primer informe, divulgado en abril sobre soja y rícino, y en el próximo, […]
El Brasil de los Agrocombustibles – Caña 2009
El año 2009 fue marcado por intenso movimiento en el sector sucroalcoholero de Brasil. Después de la fuerte crisis del año anterior, en la cual las usinas sufrieron con la retracción de la oferta de crédito, las operaciones de varias de ellas volvieron a arrojar números positivos frente a un escenario de constante aumento de […]